All bad days start with a petty peeve.
I have just spilled half a coffee on myself trying to hold a feeble stick of an umbrella against a punishing December gale when my therapist calls - at 45 minutes' notice - to say he's running an hour late on account of another patient whose problems are evidently more important. I will be late for work but never mind. Have you read such and such that we talked about last time? I spent a good four days tinkering with the damn thing. No, he says, I couldn't find it.
Petty peeve.
Not that I don't appreciate the irony of being disappointed by the very person supposedly addressing my trust issues. It rather put me in the mind of this picture of a hamster in therapy - "and then I dreamt that I actually got somewhere in the wheel".
Of course it's all quite fine.
It's all just part of the normal process of life: like traffic and the fat guy on 1.5 seats that chews his sausage patty with his mouth open while spilling coffee on your shoes.
Also the bus driver - who sees you running, takes a moment to snigger and then drives off.
The point is that things like this don't matter when you're happy. Happiness is a sort of immune system for the brain.When it fails you get "an annoyance". One ought to be excused on that account: I don't want to give you any of my annoyance; I should keep my annoyance at home; I don't want to spread the annoyance; I don't want to make my annoyance any worse; Once I neglected my annoyance until it got so bad I had to stay home for a week after I slapped my project manager in the face.
So much for therapy making you feel better.